Sunday, April 24, 2011

First Post!

As you can see there is now a Shred Shack Soldiers Blog.  It'll be full of videos, pictures and everything else!  All the soldiers will have access to this blog and can post anything they deem necessary.  The blog is in it's early stages right now, but by Sunday May 1st it should be completely rad.

This is the latest Shred Shack web video.  Features riding from Mike Ware, Luke Gajtkowski, Billy Brown, Matt Mazzone, Joe North, Brandon Bunting, Taylor Wigglesworth, Jeremy Kaufman, Stephen Carty and Shaun Thompson.  The song is "Here's your Future" by the Thermals.  Enjoy!


Also if you have ever been to the shop you may have noticed the man with the red beard in charge of The Hub. That man is Jeremy Cavileer. He plays in a band called Life Without a Jacket and they are having a CD Release show June 24th. Any info you need can be found here.  Go support them, they are a really good band and put on a great show.